Isabelle Stiénon

Belgium, 1974
Isabelle Stiénon manages to capture the inspiration of a chaotic moment in a permanent state of concentration and tranquility. No superfluous explanation of the state of mind, no complicated search for a hidden identity, only silence and purity, a distant echo of the creative process.
The sculptures do not require spectators to have a raison d’être. They don’t move anything, they don’t change anything.
The strange discretion of her works is confirmed in her ability to breathe soul into matter. Isabelle has the work of a flamboyant sculptor but manages to contain the exuberance to keep her sculptures simple.

After completing her studies in Art Sciences in Antwerp, Isabelle studied from 1992 to 1997 as a master’s degree in Sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. In 1994 she won the Van Lerius Prize for Sculpture and in 1996 that of the l’Abbé d’Averbode.

Artwork inquiry

Contact: Art Gallery Picoux about this artwork.